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Dott. Angelo Rocco Bonissoni

Dott. Angelo Rocco Bonissoni,意大利CBA律师事务所管理合伙人,米兰登记的税务顾问及注册审计师,意大利米兰大学商业和经济学学位。从事大中型企业的税务及企业咨询工作。曾协助多家银行、公司、国家和国际私募股权基金,在创业投资阶段和撤资阶段进行金融重组交易。

Angelo Bonissoni is Founder and Managing Partner of CBA, an independent law firm operating between Italy and Germany, whose international vocation has been consolidating over the years through the expertise of its professionals and strong worldwide relationships with other law firms, which allow for a knowledgeable large-scale approach with a special care for high-quality services at local level. Angelo specializes in corporate tax and corporate tax planning, including the structural and fiscal aspects of corporate finance and private equity work. He has been recently appointed in the Tax Committee of Invest Europe and serves as “Sindaco” (members of the board of statutory auditors) of UniCredit.