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Cecilia Xu Lindsey

Cecilia Xu Lindsey,英国执业大律师,国际仲裁员、一带一路国际商事调解中心调解员、英国特许仲裁员学会会员。就职于9 Stone Buildings大律师事务所,朱利安·马林斯(Julian Malins Q.C.)先生的内庭成员,对国际商事纠纷有丰富实务经验。

Barrister-Arbitrator-Mediator, Cecilia has a spectrum of Commercial and Chancery practice in both dispute resolution and advice in England and Wales. She practises at 9 Stone Buildings Barristers’ Chambers at Lincoln's Inn in London and specialises in Company Law, Commercial Law (contract, sale of goods, e-commerce, Sports law), Banking Law and Financial Services, Insurance/Re-Insurance, and International Law (international trade, FDI and investment treaty dispute). She also acts as Counsel in arbitration / mediation, and accepts appointments as Arbitrator. She is listed as Arbitrator at LCIA, ICC International Court of Arbitration and CIArb. She has extensive experience in litigation and ADR at all stages. Cecilia brings unique contribution in to clients’ legal matters in particular in regard to China and the Asia-Pacific region, thanks to her extensive connection with this region and her Chinese Mandarin language and cultural skills. She regularly speaks at international conferences, gives seminars to international lawyers, arbitrators and mediators, and writes articles on English legal topics.