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萧咏仁,中国香港, 英国CEDR(Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution)的调解员评核官,香港国际仲裁中心香港调解会主席。现为G2G调解中心主席、世界总裁协会香港分会会员、香港和解中心理事兼外务部主席、国际青年成就计划香港部创会主席兼荣誉司库及爱达迅助学行动东南亚理事会主席。毕业于美国斯坦福大学土木工程专业,并获得双学士及双硕士学位,亦为美国西北大学香港科技大学高级行政管理硕士。


Mr. Siu is the Chairman of g2g Mediation Centre Limited. Lead trainer for mediation courses for many organizations. He is the director for the Belt & Road International Commercial Mediation Centre, Hong Kong Office. He is an experienced full time mediator and has conducted over 200 cases in Hong Kong, Greater China and South East Asia. Cases cover commercial, construction, shareholders, workplace, school, family and other types of disputes. His strength is in facilitating disputing parties to come up with creative solutions to resolve their disputes. He was voted as the 2016 Best Appointed Mediator of the Year by the Dongguan District Court No. 2, ChangAn, Dongguan, Guangdong, PRC. He was one of the early Hong Kong mediators to be awarded the Accredited Professional Mediator credential by the Mainland – Hong Kong Joint Mediation Centre, belonging to the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. He was speaker at international mediation conferences, regional and local conferences and seminars. Mr. Siu received his Bachelor Degree and 2 Master Degrees in Civil Engineering from Stanford University, plus an EMBA from Kellogg-HKUST (ranked no. 1 in the world for many years recently by Financial Times).