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许冰,中国澳门,为澳门邓永恒许冰律师事务所合伙人,该事务所在澳门具有优良声誉, 获得客户支持及赞赏,除了致力于澳门的各类法律、公证、中国委托公证等事 务外,更面向祖国,尤其致力于粤港澳大湾区的法律业务拓展,在珠海、广州、 香港等地均有密切合作的法律团队,為涉及澳门、内地及香港法律事务的客户 提供便捷、高效、低成本的法律服务。于瑞士就读中学后在澳门科技大学取得法律学士学位,精通中、英文, 普通话流利。自 2006 年起入职律师业,致力于并购、银团、金融、民商事诉讼、 土地、知识產权、刑事诉讼等,為澳门本地客户及内地国企、上市公司、大型 知名民企、跨国企业、国际知名企业等提供澳门法律服务及葡语系国家业务具 丰富经验。 许冰律师于 2019 年创办以爱国爱澳為宗旨的粤港澳大湾区法律交流促进会,致力于判决研究、湾区法律融合(尤其在公证及中国委托公证方面)等。2019 年 11 月获广东省司法厅及广东省公证协会邀请为全省近千名公证员培训授课。


As a partner of Deng Yong Xu Bing Law firm in Macao, the firm has a good reputation in Macao and has won support and appreciation from clients. it is not only committed to all kinds of laws, notarization and China's entrusted notarization in Macao, but also to the motherland. Especially committed to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area's legal business development, there are close cooperation legal teams in Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and other places. After studying in Switzerland, he obtained a Bachelor of laws degree from Macau University of Science and Technology, proficient in Chinese and English, and fluent in Mandarin. She has joined the legal profession since 2006, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, syndicate, finance, civil and commercial litigation, land, intellectual property rights, criminal proceedings, etc. He has rich experience in providing Macau legal services and business in Portuguese-speaking countries for local customers in Macau and mainland state-owned enterprises, listed companies, large-scale well-known private enterprises, multinational enterprises, international well-known enterprises, etc. Lawyer Xu Bing founded the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Association for the Promotion of legal Exchange with the purpose of loving the country and Australia in 2019, dedicated to the study of judgments and the integration of Bay area laws (especially in notarization and notarization entrusted by China). In November 2019, he was invited by Guangdong Provincial Department of Justice and Guangdong notarization Association to give training courses for nearly 1000 notaries in the province.